The Ministry of Higher Education approves the schedule of student activities for the academic year 2023-2024


Today, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, through the Guidance, Guidance and Student Affairs Unit, and in partnership with the Student Activities Committee in Palestinian higher education institutions, approved the schedule of scientific, cultural and artistic activities and competitions for the academic year 2023-2024.

This came during a meeting organized by the Guidance Unit, under the auspices of the Minister of Higher Education, A. Dr.. Mahmoud Abu Muwais, in the presence of the head of the unit, A. Ayman Hoadley, the unit staff, and representatives of the Student Activities Committee in higher education institutions.

Hoadley stressed the Ministry’s interest and focus on promoting extracurricular activities that hone the personalities and talents of students in Palestinian higher education institutions, enhance their creativity, innovation and excellence, and ultimately contribute to strengthening the steadfastness of the Palestinian people on their land and preserving national identity.

The meeting discussed with representatives of the Student Activities Committee; Results of research work on indicators of violence and the impact of social media on student behavior, as attendees unanimously agreed on the necessity of preparing a unified code of conduct for students in higher education institutions, and preparing a training material on life skills for students.

It is noteworthy that the Ministry of Higher Education annually organizes a group of purposeful student activities, which bring together higher education students and direct them towards the issues of their country and society

Source: Maan News Agency