The Ministry of Interior emphasizes the importance of concerting all efforts to combat the drug scourge


The Ministry of Interior confirmed, today, Saturday, the concerted all efforts to combat the scourge of drugs. The ministry said in a statement: 'Today, Saturday, the Minister of Interior, Abdul Amir Al-Shammari, chaired the meeting of the ministry's opinion body in the presence of its members.' According to the statement, the attendees discussed many important topics with the aim of improving security and service work, and building capabilities in the departments and devices of the Ministry of Interior. The completion of some special committees to study topics related to religious tourism in the country and the horizon for enhancing it was discussed. During the meeting, according to the statement, emphasis was placed on concerted efforts to combat the drug scourge. The agenda of the meeting was also discussed, and appropriate decisions were taken in this regard.' Source: National Iraqi News Agency