The Pentagon Marks An “Unprecedented Decrease” In ISIS Activity And Obtains 10,000 “Sleeper Names” Around The World


The Pentagon announced an "unprecedented decrease" in terrorist activities carried out by ISIS inside Iraq and Syria during the recent period, stressing the commitment and continuation of the US forces to combat the organization inside the two countries.

The Pentagon said in a statement that the monthly reports on the activities of the terrorist organization showed an "unprecedented decrease" in the percentage of operations carried out by the organization inside Iraq and Syria, announcing the arrest of twenty-four members of the organization inside Iraq and eleven others in Syria.

For his part, the commander of the US Central Command confirmed, during a statement issued yesterday, Thursday, that the US forces "continue in partnership with the Iraqi security services and the Syrian Democratic Forces to confront the challenges posed by ISIS in the region," noting, "the continued presence of US forces in the region until ensuring the organization's complete defeat." he said.

The American leadership also revealed during the statement that it had obtained "intelligence documents through cooperation with Turkish intelligence" containing the addresses, names and identities of 9952 terrorist elements belonging to the organization spread around the world in "sleeper cells", without confirming the issuance of any actions against them until now.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency