The President of the Republic stresses the importance of collective work between national forces and parties to solve problems and enhance security and stability

Key Issues

The President of the Republic, Abdul Latif Rashid, stressed the importance of collective action and coordination between national forces and parties to solve problems, enhance security and stability, and provide a decent life for citizens. He said during the celebration of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan on the occasion of the anniversary of its founding, in Sulaymaniyah, that "the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, since its founding, believed in democracy, peace and human rights, without discrimination between the people of the country, and it struggled to achieve these lofty goals." The President of the Republic pointed out "the importance of collective action and coordination between national forces and parties to resolve outstanding issues, enhance security and stability, and provide a decent life for citizens, expressing his happiness at the progress witnessed in the relationship between the federal government and the regional government." The President added, 'The Presidency of the Republic, in response to the requests of the families of prisoners, and detainees, worked, in cooperation with the relevant authorities, to release approximately (12) thousand detainees whose sentences had expired or who were detained without charges being brought against them, in addition to approving the Public Holidays Law, which stipulates that March 16 (the day of commemoration of the victims of the Baath regime, including the tragedy of Halabja, Anfal and the mass graves) shall be considered an official holiday.' He added: We in the Presidency of the Republic continue to work to bring closer and strengthen the relationship between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government, and we are pleased that the relations between the two sides have reached this level of progress. He continued: We hope that the outstanding issues will be resolved in accordance with the principles of the constitution, justice and power-sharing, ending exclusivity and supporting efforts made to eliminate corruption. We will be in const ant contact with the Iraqi authorities to enhance stability and development in the country. We are also working diligently on the water, climate and environment files, and improving living conditions of citizens. Source: National Iraqi News Agency