The Turkish President heads to India to participate in the G20 summit

Key Issues

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan headed to India before noon on Friday to participate in the G20 summit scheduled to be held tomorrow, Saturday.

Erdogan is accompanied on his visit by Minister Of Foreign Affairs Hakan Fidan, Treasury and Finance Mehmet Simsek, Head of the Intelligence Service Ibrahim Kalin, Head of the Presidential Communications Department Fakhruddin Altun, Advisor to the President Akif Çagatay, and a number of officials.

Erdogan is expected to share issues related to combating climate change with his counterparts at the summit to be held in India on September 9 and 10 under the slogan “One Land, One Family, One Future.”

Erdogan will also explain to the participating leaders the steps taken by Turkey regarding climate change, and will hold bilateral meetings with them on the sidelines of the summit, according to a statement by the Turkish presidency.

The summit is expected to discuss a package of pressing global issues, in light of doubts about the bloc’s unity over controversial files, including the Russian-Ukrainian war and climate change.

The G20 is an intergovernmental forum primarily concerned with economic issues. It includes the twenty largest economies in the world, and its membership is 19 countries and the European Union.

The member states are: Turkey, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States./End

Source: National Iraqi News Agency