The University is Embarking on New Academic Plan to Meet National Needs, Says QU President //1//


HE President of QU Dr. Omar Mohammed Al Ansari told QNA that the university is keen to attract Qatari competences to the various educational, research and administrative sectors of Qatar University. It has also developed plans that are continuously reviewed and developed to increase the proportion of these cadres in those sectors in order to adequately prepare the Qatari youth generation to contribute to building the future of the nation.

This type of plan in the academic environment requires time to yield, he said indicating that its a lengthy multi-staged process.

At the administrative level, he explained that this is done by preparing employees to enable them to contribute effectively to the optimal management of the university's affairs. "To achieve this goal, the university appointed teaching assistants and lecturers, increased the scholarship rate for Qataris, and facilitated its procedures, so the number of scholarship students to complete their graduate studies in master's and doctoral degrees increased year after year," Dr. Al Ansari said.

He stated that the university has signed cooperation agreements with the relevant authorities to hire Qataris after training them and developing their skills in accordance with the requirements of work at the university. He expressed hope that these procedures and agreements will yield results and contribute to achieving the national plan for Qatarization.

He touched on the great progress Qatar University has achieved in international classifications, indicating that the university's rank in various international classifications and accreditations is a reflection of the quality of the institution's performance, its continuous development and its educational and research productivity. In this context, he pointed out that advanced classification ranks are not a goal in and of themselves, but rather come as a result of efforts and excellence at all levels.

He pointed out that the university has an integrated strategic system to measure and improve its performance indicators in general and its various sectors in particular, "They match international standards in addition to providing resources and mechanisms that motivate the university community in all its aspects to innovate and continuously improve educational and research practices and community service," he explained.

Regarding the university's infrastructure projects, His Excellency stated that many projects have been completed over the past few years, perhaps the most recent of which are the new Student Affairs building, the College of Education building, and the College of Law building, all of which are sustainable buildings designed according to the highest international standards. These projects received awards of merit in the education and research category, at the Engineering News Record (ENR) awards ceremony for the best global projects among (21) countries on six continents, he said.

He also pointed out that previously, Qatar University completed buildings of the College of Medicine, the Ibn Al-Bitar Complex for the College of Pharmacy and Medical Specialties, the College of Engineering, the Sports and Events, in addition to other projects.

He added that there are also many new or under construction projects, including the senior management building and the air-conditioned corridors in addition to the modernization and expansion of student housing buildings and sports facilities to meet the increasing demand resulting from the increasing number of Qatar University students every year.

DR. Al Ansari said that infrastructure development is not limited to constructing modern buildings or renovating old buildings, but also includes developing infrastructure with modern technology that enables the university to make the most of the accelerated technology.

In this context, Dr. Al Ansari pointed out that the university has established the Office of Digital and E-Learning and its switched in a number of its procedures to the use of digital systems, in addition to holding many courses and workshops on information security.

With respect to tuition fees, Dr. Al Ansari stressed that the university attaches great importance to this issue, and said that financial matters should not stand a hurdle in the way of students, pointing out that the university has provided a set of mechanisms and opportunities to assist students by developing policies and providing resources that can help students complete their studies.

He also stated that Qatar University provides assistance through student employment opportunities and Student Aid Fund. The university also provides multiple scholarships to students every year as a practical and realistic solution to this problem.

His Excellency spoke about the research sector and its developmental role, saying that the university has a track record of outstanding research and scientific achievements, "It produces knowledge and exports it through its research, studies and publications," he explained.

The research sector at Qatar University contributed to major projects in the country, such as food security, World Cup stadiums, and infrastructure projects. It also made major and important scientific and research achievements in the scientific, humanitarian, and social disciplines, he added.

He stressed that the priorities of scientific research are based on research having a positive local, regional and international impact, and on being harmonious and compatible with development requirements and Qatar's vision of transforming to an economy based on knowledge and comprehensive and sustainable development.

In this context, he pointed out that about a year ago, Qatar University established the Qatar University Holding Company with the aim of embracing the creative and innovative ideas of students and professors. "The company is still in its infancy, and we hope that this system will provide real opportunities for research and development, provide effective solutions to challenges and problems, and contribute, even if only a small part, to the country's system of development and innovation," he said.

HE President of QU Dr. Omar Mohammed Al Ansari wrapped up his interview with QNA expressing pride at Qatar University and calling all its students and faculty to continue the hard work and diligence. He also urged the students to be influential with their thought and knowledge so that Qatar University becomes a global university that contributes to shaping the future of the nation.

Source: Qatar News Agency