/United Nations/ Minister of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to QNA: HH the Amir Favors Dialogue As Way to Resolve International Disputes


HE Minister of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr. Mohammed bin Abdulaziz bin Saleh Al Khulaifi affirmed the keenness of HH the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani to express the pulse of the Arab and Islamic peoples and their aspirations for justice, security and stability, before the international community through HHs active participation in the meetings of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in its successive sessions.

In an exclusive interview with Qatar News Agency , HE said that anyone who follows the speeches of HH the Amir at the opening sessions of UNGA over the past years sees HHs focus and great interest in issues affecting the present and future of the Arab and Islamic nations, as well as developments on the regional and international arenas and other issues that affect the security and stability of the region and the world.

He added that HH the Amirs interest in the concerns of the Arab and Islamic peoples is evident in HHs constant renewal in his speeches before the General Assembly of the State of Qatars full solidarity with the brotherly Palestinian people in their aspiration for justice, while emphasizing that the arrogance of force will not conquer the resistance of the Palestinian people while affirming that the arrogance of force will not defeat the resistance of the Palestinian people, and HHs emphasis on the right of the Palestinians to form their state and stop settlement by the occupation forces.

Moreover, His Highness does not neglect to warn against some seeking to turn the page on the tragedy of the Syrian people without compensation and ignore the great sacrifices made without a solution that achieves their aspirations for peace and stability.

The Minister of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the repeated calls of HH the Amir, during his participation in UNGA meetings to complete the political process in Libya and agree on the constitutional basis for elections and unify state institutions and HH's permanent aspirations to achieve national consensus in both Lebanon and Sudan, in addition to the emphasis on the State of Qatar's permanent support to enhance stability in Iraq, as well as the emphasis on the lofty international principles of good neighborliness, respect for the sovereignty of states, non-interference in their internal affairs, and preferring dialogue as a platform for resolving disputes.

He affirmed the focus of HH the Amirs speeches at successive sessions of the UNGA on reminding the international community of the need to protect civilians in Afghanistan, combat terrorism, respect human rights, womens rights, right of girls to education, and achieve national reconciliation among the segments of the Afghan people, in addition to the rejection of the international treatment of the phenomenon of terrorism with double standards based on the identity of its perpetrators or linking it to a religion, race, civilization, culture, or society.

Regarding the efforts of the State of Qatar to achieve international peace and security, HE Dr. Mohammed bin Abdulaziz bin Saleh Al Khulaifi said in his interview with QNA that the State of Qatar attaches the utmost importance to issues of international peace and security and the Qatar National Vision 2030 (QNV 2030) stipulates that Qatar will be active and responsible member of the international community in the processes of establishing international peace and security, through political and economic initiatives and development and humanitarian aid, and that the State of Qatar has the ability to manage its international relations, which it derives from its focus on adapting to the changes occurring at the international level, which allows it to participate in its effective diplomacy.

In this regard, he noted the mediations of the State of Qatar in the files of Yemen, Lebanon, Darfur, Afghanistan, and Chad and its efforts to achieve Palestinian reconciliation between the Fatah and Hamas movements, in addition to its hosting of indirect talks between the US and Iran to revive the nuclear agreement and its role in restoring diplomatic relations between Somalia and Kenya, pointing out that over the past years, the State of Qatar has received many regional and international praises for the successes of its effective diplomacy as a reliable international partner in putting an end to a number of conflicts which affirms that Qatar has a special place in terms of promoting international peace and security.

He pointed out that the UN Security Council (UNSC) praised, in one of its sessions, the role of the State of Qatar and its sponsorship of the negotiations between the US and the Taliban in Doha, which culminated in the signing of the agreement to establish peace in Afghanistan in 2020, in addition to the message of the UN Secretary-General that he addressed to the State of Qatar on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Qatar's accession to the membership of the international organization, affirming that over the past fifty years, Qatar has made multiple contributions in the fields of sustainable development, conflict prevention and resolution, combating terrorism, and work in the field of climate and health at the regional and global levels, pointing out that Doha has become an important center for diplomacy that it facilitates some of the world's most complex conflicts, especially in Afghanistan, where the State of Qatar has provided critical support for dialogue through diplomacy and humanitarian aid.

Regarding the role of the UN in establishing security, peace, and stability in the world, HE Minister of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr. Mohammed bin Abdulaziz bin Saleh Al Khulaifi affirmed that the foreign policy of the State of Qatar attaches great importance to the principle of consolidating international peace and security by encouraging the resolution of international disputes by peaceful means, indicating that this approach is derived from the country's permanent constitution. HE added, in his interview with Qatar News Agency , that the UN’s efforts aimed at establishing stability regionally and internationally remain appreciated by the State of Qatar, which has a strategic partnership with international organizations and seeks to contribute to achieving its goals and principles, most importantly, the preservation of international peace and security through its proven mediations that contributed to resolving many conflicts in the region by peaceful means, the most recent of which was its sponsorship last year of the Chadian parties’ signing of the Doha Peace Agreement and the participation of the political-military movements in the comprehensive, sovereign national dialogue in Chad. Despite this, the State of Qatar looks forward to a more effective UN role, especially the UN Security Council (UNSC), to reduce conflicts peacefully, and for this reason, it has been positively supporting and participating in comprehensive reform efforts that make the UNSC more inclusive and representative of all regions to reach an effective council capable of taking timely decisions to maintain international peace and security, he added. Regarding Qatar’s regional and international partnerships and their impact on promoting peace, security, and stability in the world, the HE Minister of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the State of Qatar is proud of the broad partnerships that it has with a number of brotherly and friendly countries in various fields, in addition to its well-known partnerships with the UN and other regional and international organizations and institutions, affirming that the Qatari partnership with all UN agencies places Qatar at the forefront of countries supporting the rule of law, international conventions and norms, and supporting preventive diplomacy, as a main way to achieve security, peace and stability at the regional and international levels. HE Dr. Mohammed bin Abdulaziz bin Saleh Al Khulaifi pointed out that the State of Qatar has become a regional center for multilateral diplomacy, indicating in this regard the opening of the UN House in Doha, which includes 12 offices of the international organization. He said that despite the breadth, diversity, and consolidation of partnerships, the State of Qatar, considering its policy of openness, looks forward to deepening these partnerships and moving in cooperation with various countries and regional and international organizations to broader horizons that benefit people and reflect positively on stability in various parts of the world. In his response to the grave violations that the brotherly Palestinian people being subjected to in front of the world, the Minister of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stressed, in his dialogue with QNA, the firm position of the State of Qatar on the justice of the Palestinian cause and the legitimate rights of the brotherly Palestinian people, including the establishment of its independent state on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital, noting that Qatar early sent a message to the international community that the continuation of the Palestinian issue without a permanent and just solution is a disgrace to humanity. He added that the State of Qatar has continued to condemn in the strongest terms and all regional and international forums and through successive official statements of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the grave violations to which the brotherly Palestinian people are being subjected by the occupation forces, and at the same time urges the international community, especially the UNSC, to fulfill its responsibilities to protect the Palestinian people and their sanctities and stop serious violations against them, and the repeated incursions into Al-Aqsa Mosque are considered a blatant violation of international law and the Hashemite custodianship of the holy sites in occupied Jerusalem while emphasizing that the repeated attempts to undermine the religious and historical status of Al-Aqsa Mosque are not only an attack on the Palestinians but on more than two billion Muslims around the world. He pointed out that the State of Qatar submitted, for the first-time last July, written submissions to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) regarding the advisory opinion that the court will issue on the legal consequences resulting from Israeli policies and practices applied to the occupied Palestinian territories, which came by decision of the UNGA at the end of 2022. About the Gulf-Iranian rapprochement, HE said that for years, the State of Qatar has been calling for a comprehensive dialogue in an effort to achieve security and stability in the region and that keenness was demonstrated in the call of HH the Amir from the UN podium, to hold a constructive dialogue between Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries and Iran on the basis of common interests, the principle of good neighborliness, respect for the sovereignty of states, and non-interference in their internal affairs. He added that the State of Qatar took the initiative to welcome the agreement to resume diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran immediately after the issuance of the joint tripartite statement by Saudi Arabia, Iran, and China and expressed its aspiration that this step would contribute to enhancing security and stability in the region, for the benefit of all its peoples. Regarding the Turkish rapprochement with some countries in the region, HE Minister of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr. Mohammed bin Abdulaziz bin Saleh Al Khulaifi said at the conclusion of his dialogue with QNA that the strong fraternal relations between the State of Qatar and the Republic of Turkiye are a role model for relations between Turkiye and the countries of the region, in the interest of regional stability and achieving the aspirations of the leaders and the aspirations of the peoples of the region. He added that based on their concern for regional security and stability and the rise of the region to occupy its appropriate position, the State of Qatar positively views the Gulf-Iranian rapprochement, at the same time, encourages any Turkish rapprochement with the countries of the region, especially in light of the historical, cultural, and social ties between Turkiye and these countries, and without a doubt, this rapprochement will reflect stability, development, prosperity, and communication among its peace-loving peoples in the region.

Source: Qatar News Agency