An Informed source: Moayyad al-Obaidi, the State of Law candidate for the position of Governor of Diyala

Key Issues

Baquba, An informed source revealed that the State of Law coalition has presented its candidate for the position of Governor of Diyala. The source told the correspondent of the National Iraqi News Agency (NINA) that the State of Law coalition, after a series of meetings with the Nabni coalition, presented its candidate, Moayyad al-Obaidi, for the position of governor of Diyala as an electoral entitlement, in a step to end the political obstacles and move towards forming a local government in Diyala. He added that the political forces in the Provincial Council will begin consultations to develop a road map and agree to accept the state of law candidate, which will end the knot of forming a local government in Diyala. Source: National Iraqi News Agency