Doha: Weather inshore tonight until 6:00 am on Tuesday will be cloudy with scattered rain, including thundery rain, the Department of Meteorology stated in its daily weather report, cautioning about thundery rain associated with strong wind. Offshore conditions are expected to be cloudy with scattered rain, occasionally thundery, also accompanied by strong wind and high sea, the Department of Meteorology added.
According to Qatar News Agency, the wind inshore will vary from northwesterly to northeasterly at speeds of 08 to 18 knots, potentially gusting to 30 knots during thundery rain. Offshore, the wind will also be northwesterly to northeasterly, maintaining similar speeds and gusting conditions with thundery rain.
Visibility is forecasted to range from 05 to 10 kilometers, possibly reducing to 03 kilometers or less in certain areas at times. The sea state inshore is expected to be between 1 to 4 feet, surging up to 5 feet with thundery rain. Offshore, sea conditions will range from 3 to 5 feet, potentially surging to 10 feet during thundery rain.