Erdogan: Turkey Has Taken A Balanced Position In The Russian-Ukrainian War

Key Issues

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stressed that his country has taken a fair and balanced position in the war between Russia and Ukraine.

Erdogan said in a speech today during the inauguration of a number of service projects in the state of Bayburt, in the northeast of the country: The war broke out between Russia and Ukraine, two neighbors of Turkey on the Black Sea, at the end of the Coronavirus epidemic crisis, and energy and food prices reached record levels all over the world, but we have taken fair and balanced position in the war between Russia and Ukraine.

Erdogan indicated that Turkey did not allow its relations with Russia to deteriorate and at the same time strengthened them with Ukraine.

Erdogan said that he hosted Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday in Istanbul and continued dialogue with Russian President Vladimir Putin, noting that he will meet Putin next month in Turkey.

The Turkish president said: Through our diplomatic moves, we are trying to protect our country from the negative effects of the war that has been going on for a year and a half next to us, yet every event that happens around us has repercussions on the Turkish economy, and these effects are felt by everyone from Europe to America.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency