Interior Ministry: “Political Prisoner” concept does not exist in Bahrain

Key Issues

Manama, The Ministry of Interior has dismissed baseless allegations made by Al Jazeera Channel in a report on its website.

In a statement, the ministry said that the report “Activists reveal the suffering of political detainees in Bahrain with COVID-19 outbreaks” is part of its ongoing incitement against Bahrain and its people.

Refuting the allegations, the ministry said:

“First: The records of the “Reformation and Rehabilitation” in Bahrain doesn’t know the “political prisoners” concept that comes out of the imagination of those promoting it, such as the inciting channel that works against Bahrainis and knows only the language of violence and terrorism.

“Second: Those serving their sentences at the Reformation and Rehabilitation Centre serve their final verdicts after completing all judiciary phases.

“Third: The channel quoted those who call themselves ‘activists’, claiming COVID-19 outbreaks at the Reformation and Rehabilitation Centre. Facts and reality refute the allegations. The pandemic affected all countries, including developed countries and organisations.

“Fourth: The steps taken by the Reformation and Rehabilitation Centre are part of the success story in fighting the pandemic. Each COVID-19 case is dealt with per a clear treatment protocol under the supervision of the Health Ministry and the preventive measures to reduce the active cases to the lowest level.

“Fifth: The situation of inmates at the Reformation and Rehabilitation Centre is assuring per the reports of human rights organisations that periodically visit the centre to ensure that all inmates receive their rights and services. These organisations include the National Institution for Human Rights, the Ombudsman Office and the Prisoners and Detainees Rights Commission.

“Sixth: The Qatari Al Jazeera Channel lacks professionalism by highlighting negative aspects by quoting anonymous pretending to tell the truth. The channel forges facts for incitement purposes.

“Finally: It was better for the channel to highlight violations in Qatari prisons and against foreign workers working in the World Cup facilities.”

Source: Bahrain News Agency