Iranian Army: We May Place Air Defense Systems In Other Countries When Necessary


The Iranian army confirmed that the air defense forces will never allow the country's airspace to be violated.

The commander of the Iranian army's air defense, Ali Reza Sabahi Fard, said, "If necessary, and to secure our interests and national security, we will place air defense systems in other countries to confront the enemies," according to the "Iran in Arabic" newspaper.

Sabahi Fard pointed out that "monitoring the Gulf airspace and the Strait of Hormuz is one of the tasks of the air defense, and that any movement that takes place in the sea sky is monitored by detection and identification systems."

Last Saturday, Iran announced the conclusion of the joint electronic warfare maneuvers, "Shield of Guardians of the State", in order to test its ability to wage this type of war in the face of drones, fighters and helicopters that simulate enemy aircraft.

The Iranian "Tasnim" news agency reported that "units of the naval, land and air forces, as well as the air defenses, participated in the exercises in the desert central region in Iran," noting that "the exercises included radar devices, drones, combat aircraft, some of them unmanned, and micro air drones, and other military equipment, all of which are locally made.”/ End

Source: National Iraqi News Agency