Jerusalem: 3 martyrs and 132 detainees


The Public Relations and Media Unit in the Jerusalem Governorate issued its report last August, on the crimes of the Israeli occupation in the Jerusalem Governorate, in which it summarized the overall violations observed in the governorate’s neighborhoods and towns.

The report stated that during the month of August, the occupation executed two Jerusalemites, one of whom was a child, while another Jerusalemite was martyred as a result of being wounded by occupation bullets two years ago.

On August 1, the young man Muhannad Muhammad Suleiman Al-Mazra’a (20 years old) was martyred by bullets from the Israeli occupation forces, near the town of Al-Eizariya, east of occupied Jerusalem, and the occupation seized his body. On August 17, the young Jerusalemite Ahmed Abu Sneina (33 years old) from the town of Al-Issawiya was martyred, Affected by his injury by occupation bullets during Ramadan 2021, Abu Sneineh was injured by a rubber-coated metal bullet that caused him to lose his left eye and cause multiple skull fractures, following the occupation’s storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque and attacking worshipers with sound bombs and bullets on May 7, 2021.

On the evening of August 30, the occupation executed the child Khaled Samer Al-Zaanen (14 years old) near Damascus Gate in the occupied city of Jerusalem, where members of the occupation police opened fire on the child Al-Zaanen, which led to him being seriously injured, and he was left bleeding without providing him with any first aid. To rise as a martyr.

During August, the occupation detained the bodies of the martyr Muhannad Al-Mazra’a and the child martyr Khaled Al-Za’anin, bringing the number of bodies of Jerusalemite martyrs held in the occupation’s morgues and number cemeteries to 25 martyrs.

Targeting national figures

The occupation authorities continue their crimes against the national figures of Jerusalem, as they continued their racist violations against the Governor of Jerusalem, Sharif Adnan Ghaith. On August 20, the occupation intelligence stormed the house of Governor Ghaith, searched him, and ensured that he was implementing the house arrest order issued against him.

It is noteworthy that Governor Ghaith has been subject to open house arrest for more than a year, in addition to four military decisions issued against him since he assumed his duties as governor of Jerusalem in 2018.

Settlers attacks and injuries

Settlers carried out 14 attacks against Jerusalemites, including 8 attacks with physical abuse, while the Jerusalem Governorate during the month of August monitored injuries resulting from the occupation forces’ use of excessive force against Jerusalemites in various parts of the occupied capital.

Five injuries were also recorded as a result of live and rubber-coated metal bullets and severe beatings by the occupation forces, in addition to dozens of cases of suffocation from toxic tear gas.

Crimes against Al-Aqsa Mosque

The Jerusalem Governorate monitored the incursions of extremist settlers into the Blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque during the month of August, where (3,891) settlers and (83,824) foreigners, under the pretext of tourism (through the Israeli Ministry of Tourism), stormed the Blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque with strict protection from the special occupation forces, while the occupation forces prevented In August, reconstruction and restoration crews completed their work in the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.


In the arrest file, about (132) arrests of citizens were monitored in all areas of the Jerusalem Governorate during the month of August, and among the arrests were (10) children and (7) women.

The occupation courts impose unfair decisions against detainees, ranging from issuing actual prison sentences to imposing house arrest, in addition to deportation decisions and heavy financial fines. Among them are those against whom the occupation court issued travel bans, in addition to extending the detention of a large number of detainees for long months without bringing charges. clear to them.

Demolition and bulldozing

During the month of August, (13) facilities were demolished and bulldozed in the occupied Jerusalem Governorate, including (5) facilities that were forcibly self-demolished, in addition to carrying out (5) excavation and bulldozing operations on lands belonging to Jerusalemite citizens.

During August, the occupation authorities delivered about (71) demolition notices, including 60 demolition notices for industrial and commercial facilities in the Wadi al-Joz neighborhood in the occupied city of Jerusalem, by attaching these notices to the facilities.

Violations against prisoners

On August 5, communication was cut off from the two Jerusalemite prisoners, Fadwa Hamada and Nawal Fateha, and the occupation prevented them from visiting for nearly 4 months, after the occupation administration transferred them in Damon prison to a criminal prison in Tel Aviv.

Violations against Jerusalem institutions and landmarks

The occupation continues to target educational institutions and incite against them, in continuous attempts to suppress the Jerusalemite presence and undermine any Jerusalemite efforts within the city of Jerusalem. The occupation continues to target educational institutions and incite against them, which threatens the emptying and closing of schools, and the spread of the cancer of the Israeli curriculum among Jerusalem students.

In addition, the Minister of Finance of the extremist occupation, Bezalel Smotrich, decided on August 9 to freeze funds allocated to Palestinian education programs in Jerusalem.

The occupation forces also seized Palestinian curriculum books while they were being delivered to the “Bilara” School in the Old City of occupied Jerusalem, and arrested the driver and one of the school employees. As for the restrictions on cultural and sports institutions, on August 2, the occupation authorities handed over to the head of the Silwan Sports Club, Ahmed Al-Ghoul, a decision to prevent the holding of a party for high school seniors at the Silwan Club in occupied Jerusalem, following his arrest and investigation. On August 17, the occupation forces stormed Al-Maqasid Hospital in occupied Jerusalem.

Violations against journalists

The occupation summoned Jerusalemite journalist Ahmed Al-Safadi for investigation during the month of August. The occupation forces had arrested Al-Safadi and released him on the condition that he be removed from Al-Aqsa for a month.

The occupation forces stormed the home of journalist Diala Jweihan in the Al-Thawri neighborhood in occupied Jerusalem, and on August 30, the occupation police assaulted a number of Palestinian journalists and removed them from the place of the martyrdom of the child Khaled Al-Zaanin to prevent them from covering the event.

Settlement projects

The occupation authorities seek to impose a new reality on the occupied city of Jerusalem, through the implementation of dangerous settlement projects.

In August, the occupation authorities approved the allocation of 230 million shekels to complete what is known as the Eastern Ring Road, as part of transportation projects worth one billion shekels that were approved on August 20, 2023, with a value of 3.2 billion shekels. The occupation municipality also intends to close a major parking lot in Jerusalem, near Al-Zahraa Street under the pretext of establishing the so-called Cultural House.

Joint crews from the occupation municipality and the so-called nature authority affiliated with the occupation also hung banners in the eastern lands of Bedda al-Isawiya about the “National Park” project intended to be established within the people’s lands

Source: Maan News Agency