Military Intelligence frees a kidnapped woman and arrests the kidnapper in Anbar Province


Military Intelligence liberated a kidnapped girl and arrested the kidnapper in Anbar Governorate.

The Directorate's statement stated that, with a preemptive process and a distinguished intelligence effort, and after receiving a prompt notification of the kidnapping case, and with the follow-up of the Director of the Tenth Division of the Military Intelligence Directorate, and with the participation of the Directorate's detachments, intelligence and a force from the 40th Brigade, an elaborate ambush was set up in the checkpoint of the martyr Major (Aws Aziz Suwailam), and as a result, the arrest was made on the kidnapper in Karmat al-Fallujah district in Anbar Governorate and the liberation of the kidnapped woman, he was handed over to the concerned authority according to the applicable contexts.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency