PM Chairs A Meeting To Follow Up The Process Of Recovering The Accused And Corruption Funds

Key Issues

The Prime Minister, Muhammad - Al-Sudani, stressed the importance of attending the file of recovering the accused and corruption funds in a practical manner in the priorities and interests of the agencies concerned with prosecution and recovery, because it is evidence for citizens of the government's seriousness in following up and its fight against corruption, recalling the international agreements that link Iraq with a number of countries in the world and their obligations to cooperate in implementing the law and restoring rights.

Al-Sudani stressed, "while chairing today, Saturday, a meeting devoted to following up the process of recovering the accused, convicted, and wanted persons in corruption cases, and recovering the funds they seized: The need for the various agencies to exert their efforts, each within its competence, and for Iraq to invest in its foreign diplomatic and economic relations to serve the recovery of looted and wanted Iraqi funds." Pointing out that corruption threatens all government programs and will hinder its plans unless action against the corrupt and their means is sustained.

Prime Minister directed, according to a statement by his office, that all files for the recovery of fugitives wanted be entered into execution and claim, and that a careful follow-up process be conducted for each file, stressing that the serious pursuit of the accused prompted many of them to surrender to justice, and the Interpol department also prepared files ready for the wanted.

The statement indicated that "during the meeting, they discussed the cases that have been accomplished, the procedures achieved, the files that are currently being worked on, and the most prominent obstacles facing the agencies concerned with recovery.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency