Qatar Participates in 2nd OIC Summit on Science and Technology


The State of Qatar has participated in the 2nd Islamic Summit on Science and Technology of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), which was held yesterday via videoconferencing under the theme: "Science, Technology and Innovation: Opening New Horizons." Their Highnesses and Excellencies heads of delegates of the OIC Member States attended the virtual Summit. HE Mr. Jassim Saif Ahmed Al Sulaiti, Minister of Transport and Communications, has headed the State of Qatar’s delegation to the event.

HE the Minister said: "The exceptional circumstances resulting from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic require more cooperation to emerge with the best ideas, solutions, plans, policies and innovations that could help OIC Member States to overcome the challenges of the Coronavirus pandemic, and require also following a developmental approach that is in everyone’s best interest. This is in addition to taking all measures that are appropriate for generating and energizing an environment conducive to achieving progress in science, technology and innovation among OIC Member States."

Source: Government of Qatar