Rakan al-Jubouri: We filed an appeal against the legality of yesterday’s session to the Administrative Court

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The outgoing Governor of Kirkuk, Rakan al-Jubouri, expressed his dissatisfaction with the proceedings of yesterday's provincial Council session and the election of a governor and a council president, in the absence of the Turkmen component and a number of members, stressing that an appeal will be filed with the Administrative Court, considering it illegal. He said in a press conference: "The absence of the Turkmen component from the council session is a clear violation of the laws and agreements, and the covenants and agreements secretly and in the dark have deprived us of our entitlement. He added: "The session was held at the invitation of one party and through the media, and I was not given any document to attend the session, and they set the agenda without notifying the other members," noting that there is no problem in Kirkuk for the session to be held in Baghdad, and this is against the law, as the first session was held in the province without any problem. He continued: "It was agreed to issue a uni fied statement, signed by the members, considering the session to elect the governor and the council president illegal, and in violation of Article 16 and the Provincial Councils Law. We have submitted an appeal to the Administrative Court regarding the legality of the session." Members of the Kirkuk Provincial Council elected yesterday evening, Ribwar Taha from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, as governor of Kirkuk and Mohammed Al-Hafez as head of the provincial council, in a session held at the Rashid Hotel in Baghdad, in the absence of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, the Turkmen Front and the Arab Alliance. Source: National Iraqi News Agency