The Head Of The Integrity Commission Calls For Forming An “Anti-Corruption Army” Of Community Activities, Federations And Syndicates

Key Issues

The head of the Federal Integrity Commission, Judge Haider Hanoun called for forming an "Anti-Corruption Army" of official and community actors, federations and trade unions, whose mission would be to consolidate and support the efforts of the oversight agencies in their fierce war against corruption.

During his visit, accompanied by the advanced staff in the Commission to the Bar Association, Hanoun described, the legal profession as sublime, and that the Bar Association is one of the pillars of law and the pillars of the history of Iraq since its founding in 1933, pointing out that the Commission needs the support of everyone, including the Bar Association, in combating corruption that has accumulated and turned from an ordinary crime into a complex and intertwined phenomenon that is sheltered by religion, nationalism and clans, until the corrupt have a “sect”.

The head of the commission said that the Bar Association has a major role in all sectors, and the commission hopes to support it in combating corruption in law enforcement agencies and in the private sector, which he described as an important sector in combating poverty and advancing economic and sustainable development.

He referred to the formation of the Supreme Anti-Corruption Commission, which consists of the President of the Federal Integrity Commission as Chairman, and the membership of the Directors General of the Investigation and Recovery Departments, warning that it is not a parallel entity, but rather a formation within the Commission, which is one of the independent institutions stipulated in the Constitution in Article (102) thereof. Noting that the Supreme Commission has, with the approval of the President of the Supreme Judicial Council, selecting important corruption cases from the governorates and transferring them to Baghdad, pointing out that the support team composed by the head of the executive authority and known as "Abi Ali Al-Basri's team" is a team that supported the work of the Supreme Commission for Combating Corruption, its mission is executive that executes judicial orders such as arrest and seizure orders, and has nothing to do with the investigation.

For her part, the head of the Bar Association (Ahlam Al-Lami) described the visit of the commission’s delegation to the union as a historic visit, indicating that the category of lawyers is one of the most groups that diagnose corruption, stressing that integrity is one of the most important institutions in the Iraqi state and that its work is faced with many obstacles and difficulties and needs an army of supporters. Expressing her union’s readiness to support all benevolent and honest men, and to join the “front of your army.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency