The Minister of Transport receives the Russian Ambassador to discuss a number of files


The Minister of Transport, Razzaq Muhibis Al-Saadawi, received the Russian Ambassador to Iraq, Elbrus Kotrachev, and they discussed issues of common interest between Baghdad and Moscow, in the various fields of transport.

A statement by the Ministry stated that the Minister discussed with the Ambassador the possibility of discussing a land transport agreement between the two countries, noting that the geographical location enjoyed by Iraq makes it a global corridor for transportation.

The meeting also discussed cooperation in the field of air transport between Baghdad and Moscow, and a project to open direct lines between the two countries was proposed.

For his part, Elbrus Kotrashev revealed Russia's readiness to support Iraq in lifting the ban on Iraqi airlines in Europe, and his country's readiness to train Iraqi staff at the Russian Transport Academy.

Regarding cooperation in the field of maritime transport, the Russian side expressed the desire of Russian companies to invest in the large port of Faw, and to participate in investment opportunities in various fields of transport in Iraqi cities.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency