Month: April 2023

Jordan sends new batch of humanitarian aid to Syria

Chargé d’affaires at the Jordanian Embassy in Damascus, Basel Al-Kayed, announced that his country will send a new batch of humanitarian aid to support those affected by the earthquake hit Syria last February.Al-Kayed said that the Jordanian government…

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Turkey: 1,001 Illegal Migrants Deported within Week

Turkey’s Ministry of Interior said that 1,001 illegal migrants have been deported between April 21 and 27.Data published by the Interior Immigration Department on its Twitter account also showed that authorities seized 1860 illegal immigrants in the c…

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The most dangerous drug dealers arrested in Basra

The Basra police arrested today the most dangerous drug dealers in the province.The media of the Basra Governorate Police Command stated in a statement: It is through accurate intelligence information about the whereabouts of the most dangerous drug de…

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