ACTA President to QNA: Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani ACE Award Acclaims Huge Regional, International Interest -1-


In another context, HE President of the ACTA Hamad bin Nasser Al Misnad said that more than two-thirds of the world countries suffer from a serious a issue with corruption, as they recorded scores of less than 50, while the average of Arab countries in 2022 index decreased to 33 out of 100. Three Gulf countries - including the State of Qatar - ranked first in the Arab world in fighting corruption, according to the latest Transparency International report issued at the end of January 2023. His Excellency pointed out that the Transparency International report added that corruption levels are still at a standstill in most parts of the world, as 86 percent of countries have made little or no progress at all in the past ten years. Transparency International found that countries that violate civil freedoms consistently score lower on the Corruption Perceptions Index, as indolence in the fight against corruption exacerbates human rights violations and undermines democracy. On the other hand, HE Al Misnad told QNA that awarding the Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani International Anti-Corruption Excellence Award is very consistent with the efforts made by the State of Qatar at the regional and international levels to achieve peace and stability around the world, especially since corruption may be a source of instability and conflict in different regions of the world. His Excellency indicated that the award could contribute to promoting peace and stability by reducing harmful effects related to corruption, especially since corruption can be a major obstacle to achieving sustainable development and economic and social prosperity, and in supporting efforts to combat corruption. He stressed that the State of Qatar seeks to achieve the goals of sustainable development at the national and international levels. In addition, the fight against corruption promotes basic human values such as justice, integrity, and equality. His Excellency also pointed out that the State of Qatar plays a prominent role in fighting corruption at the regional and international levels, as it plays a pivotal role in the Gulf region and the Middle East, encourages dialogue and regional cooperation in fighting corruption, and participates in regional initiatives and forums to enhance integrity and transparency. In this regard, His Excellency added that Qatar seeks to exchange experiences and knowledge with other countries and international organizations to enhance anti-corruption strategies, provides funding and humanitarian contributions to support projects and initiatives that work to enhance transparency and fight corruption in different regions around the world, and plays an effective role in international organizations such as the United Nations, the Arab League, and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). Regarding the role of the ACTA in fighting corruption, His Excellency stressed that the ACTA plays a vital role in fighting corruption, as it encourages increasing the level of transparency in institutions and bodies and calls for disseminating government information and data and ease of access to them. He noted that the ACTA directs awareness and educational campaigns for the public on the dangers of corruption and its impact on society, encourages community participation in fighting corruption, and directs young people towards honest values. His Excellency explained that the ACTA is submitting proposals to develop laws and regulations related to fighting corruption. The Code of Conduct and Integrity of Public Officials has been issued, which aims to achieve the highest indicators of transparency and integrity in the public service and enhance the protection of public funds. He pointed out that the Penal Code has been amended to criminalize bribery of foreign public employees, amending the Criminal Procedure Code to strengthen mechanisms for international cooperation and mutual legal assistance, and issuing a law for the protection of victims, witnesses, and the like. In the same context, HE President of the ACTA Hamad bin Nasser Al Misnad noted, at the conclusion of his remarks with QNA, that Law No. 9 of 2022 had recently been issued regulating the right to obtain information, which is an important tool for enhancing the investment climate in the State of Qatar and responding to the trend towards a knowledge society.

Source: Qatar News Agency