Al-Maliki Discusses With The US Ambassador The Political And Security Developments In The Country And The Region


The head of the State of Law Coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, discussed with the US Ambassador to Iraq the political and security developments in the country and the region.

His media office said in a statement, "The head of the State of Law Coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, received in his office the US ambassador to Iraq, Alina Romanowski.

The statement added, "During the meeting, they discussed political and security developments in the country and the region, as well as cooperation between the two countries in a way that strengthens work bonds and coordination on the political, economic and cultural levels to serve the common interests of the two friendly peoples."

The head of the State of Law coalition stressed that Iraq is preparing to complete the process of reconstruction and construction, especially after the approval of the federal budget, stressing the need for everyone's efforts to consolidate political and economic stability in the country according to a comprehensive vision, and to focus on priority projects, especially health, housing and basic services, and investment support and the entry of foreign companies, especially the American ones, according to what was approved by the strategic framework agreement concluded between Baghdad and Washington.

He pointed out the need for the ambassadors of Iraq and the United States of America to exert efforts to strengthen and develop relations and to establish bilateral cooperation in accordance with the principle of mutual respect and common interests.

In turn, the US ambassador affirmed her country's commitment to the Iraqi people and the Iraqi government, praising Al-Maliki's role in developing relations between Iraq and the United States of America because of his influential presence in the country and the Iraqi political scene.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency