Arresting suspects of killing the owner of a / Tik Tok / bike north of Baghdad


Detachments of the Intelligence Agency arrested suspects of killing a biker, TikTok, after renting a bike, north of Baghdad.

The Agency stated in a statement: "The Intelligence Agency's detachments in Baghdad received accurate information regarding the perpetrators involved in the killing of a bike driver (tik-tok) in the Baghdad governorate, the Sabaa Al-Bour area, and immediately an intelligence and technical work team was formed to investigate and prosecute the perpetrators, as the Agency's detachments were able in less than 24 hours, managed to arrest two of the perpetrators.

Elian added that: "During interrogation with them, they explicitly admitted that they had hired the victim as a tik-tok driver, and then killed him with cutting tools (knife) in the neck area. Their statements were recorded and referred to the judiciary."

Source: National Iraqi News Agency