Bahrain non-oil exports of national origin reached BD1018 million in Q1 2024


Manama, The Information and eGovernment Authority (iGA) has released its Q1 2024 Foreign Trade report, which encompasses data on Trade Balance, Imports, national origin Exports and Re-exports. As per the report, the value of non-oil imports has increased by 5%, reaching BD1497 million in Q1 2024 in comparison with BD1431 million for the same quarter in 2023. The top 10 countries for imports recorded 69% of the total value of imports. According to the report, China ranked first for imports to Bahrain, with a total of BD211 million (14%), followed by The United Arab Emirate (UAE) with 134 million (9%) and Australia with 128 million (8.6%). Non-Agglomerated Iron Ores and Concentrates were recorded as the top product imported to Bahrain with a total value of BD128 million (9%), followed by Other Aluminum Oxide with BD116 million (8%) and Private Cars being the third with BD53 million (4%). On the other hand, the value of exports (National Origin) reached BD1018 million in Q1 2024. The top 10 countries accou nted for 72% of the total export value. Saudi Arabia ranked first among countries for non-oil exports (National Origin) with BD270 million (27%). The UAE was second with BD131 million (13%) and the United States of America (USA) was third with BD83 million (8%). Unwrought Aluminum Alloys were recorded as the top products exported in Q1 2024 with BD250 million (25%), followed by Agglomerated Iron Ores and Concentrates Alloyed with a value of BD240 million (24%) and Aluminum Wire not Alloyed with BD51 million (5%). The total value of non-oil Re-exports increased by 11% to reach BD206 million during Q1 2024, compared to BD186 million for same quarter in 2023. The top 10 countries in Re-exports accounted for 86% of the re-exported value. The UAE ranked first with BD78 million (38%) followed by Saudi Arabia with BD44 million (21%) and Singapore with BD21 million (10%). As per the report, Turbo-Jets was the top product re-exported from Bahrain with a value of BD43 million (21%), followed by Gold Ingots BD10.3 million (5%), and Four Wheel Drive came third with BD10.1 million (4.9%). As for the Trade Balance, which represents the difference between exports and imports, the deficit recorded BD273 million dinars in Q1 2024 compared to a deficit of 241 million dinars in Q1 2023. Source: Bahrain News Agency