Bahrain participates in developing strategy to protect youth from drugs


MP Hassan Eid BuKhammas, representing Bahrain on the Advisory Board of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), took part in the fifth meeting of the Committee for the study of a strategy to protect youth from the dangers of drug use and addiction in the GCC (via video conference). The meeting discussed the necessity of strengthening Gulf cooperation, keeping up with regional and global developments in the field of drug crime, enhancing the GCC strategy to combat the illicit use of drugs and psychotropic substances, and exploring ways to bolster the Council's efforts in drug prevention and control. It also emphasised the importance of immediate information exchange regarding drugs and psychotropic substances. This participation underscores the support of Bahrain's legislative authority, both the Shura Council and the Council of Representatives, for all efforts by relevant entities in GCC and Arab countries. It highlights the importance of integrated cooperation, unifying deterrent laws, and formulating effective strategies and programmes to combat the spread of drugs, aiming to ensure safe and healthy communities. MP Hassan Bukhammas had been appointed by Royal Order No. 40 of 2023 as one of Bahrain's representatives on the Advisory Board of the Supreme Council of the GCC for a three-year term. Source: Bahrain News Agency