Doctors Without Borders: Destruction of Gaza’s Healthcare System Increases Fatality Numbers


Geneva, Doctors Without Borders (MSF) affirmed that the destruction of the healthcare system due to the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip since Oct. 7 is increasing the number of deaths. A report issued by the organization on Tuesday titled "Gazas Silent Killings: The Destruction of the Healthcare System and the Struggle for Survival in Rafah" explained that the healthcare system in Gaza has been devastated. Men, women, and children are at risk of severe malnutrition, which leads to the deterioration of their physical and mental health. MSF teams working in Rafah report that the decimated healthcare system and inhumane living conditions also raise the risk of disease outbreaks, malnutrition, and the long-term impact of psychological trauma, the report stated. MSF warns that a military incursion in Rafah, on top of the current humanitarian crisis in Gaza, would be an unfathomable catastrophe and calls for an immediate and sustained ceasefire. The report stressed that the psychological state of a ll citizens in the Gaza Strip, including medical teams, is very bad. MSF has also faced substantial challenges bringing medical supplies and humanitarian aid into Gaza due to delays and restrictions by Israeli occupation authorities, the report highlighted. Source: Qatar News Agency