GCC Sec Gen: GCC prepared to engage in discussions with Security Council over Gaza

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Riyadh, Badr Al Busaidi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Sultanate of Oman and Chairman of the current session of the Ministerial Council of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), sent an official letter to Sérgio França Danese, Permanent Representative of Brazil to the United Nations (President of the Security Council) on behalf of the Foreign Ministers of the GCC member states, expressing the regret of the GCC states over the inability to adopt a consensus resolution that would put an end to the repercussions and serious violations of the situation in Gaza, the GCC Secretary General said.

Jasem Mohamed Al Budaiwi, Secretary General of the GCC, said that the GCC states were fully prepared to engage in discussions with the Security Council to adopt a resolution that addresses the crisis and its consequences in accordance with international resolutions, treaties and laws; including UNSC Resolutions 242 and 338, which reflect the international consensus on resolving this conflict on the basis of the two-state solution, enabling the Palestinians and the Israelis to live side by side in security and peace.

Al Budaiwi said that the GCC foreign ministers would meet with the Permanent Representative of Brazil and members of the UN Security Council in New York for urgent discussions on this matter.

The secretary general affirmed that the message conveyed the GCC leader’s reiteration of the unified GCC stance on the imperative need for all parties, Israel foremost among them, to immediately cease all unlawful acts and fully comply with international law and humanitarian law.

The message also emphasised the importance of the immediate release of all hostages and detainees, the rejection of any recourse to violence or military force as a means of resolving the conflict, and the categorical condemnation the targeting of civilians.

Al Budaiwi said that the letter also mentioned that the GCC states have pledged $100 million in urgent relief aid for Gaza, to support regional and international humanitarian efforts.

Source: Bahrain News Agency