Lebanese Army Takes Measures Across Southern Borders Following Israeli Shelling


Beirut, The Lebanese army announced that it will keep maintaining its readiness and taking essential measures across the border areas south of Lebanon.

Pursuant to the previous statement about targeting a control tower of the Lebanese army by the Israeli occupation in Aalma El Chaeb, the Israeli enemy fired a rocket shell hitting a civilian vehicle of a media crew resulting in the martyrdom of the photographer Issam Abdallah with the injury of 5 other journalists, according to statement of the Lebanese army on Saturday.

The Israeli occupation targeted Aalma El Chaeb and other towns with missiles launched from a helicopter, along with artillery shells, including phosphorous and illuminating shells, the statement reads.

So far, the Lebanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has called on its permanent mission to the United Nations in New York to file a complaint to the UN Security Council about the intentional killing of a Lebanese journalist and injuring others, affirming that such act constitutes a flagrant assault and crime against the freedom of opinion and press, human rights, as well as the international humanitarian law.

Source: Qatar News Agency