Palestinian Presidency Warns of Dangers of Ongoing Israeli Genocidal War against Palestinians


Ramallah, The Palestinian presidency warned of the dangers of the ongoing Israeli genocidal war waged against the Palestinian people in Rafah, Gaza, and Nablus, the latest of which was the killing of seven Palestinians during a military offensive against the city of Jenin and its camp. In a statement carried by Palestine News and Info (WAFA), Palestinian presidential spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeineh stressed that the occupation government and its army insist on continuing their crimes despite the ICC prosecutor's decision, as a result of the continued and unjustified US support for the occupation. He held the US administration responsible for these dangerous Israeli actions which would lead to an explosion in the entire region and drag it to the edge of the abyss. He said the US financial and arms support and its absolute impunity to Israel are driving the occupation leaders to commit more crimes similar to what happened in the southern Gaza city of Rafah, in northern Gaza and Jenin earlier today. The spokesm an stressed that Israel is violating sanctities, killing innocent people and doctors and destroying the infrastructure of Palestinian hospitals, cities, villages and camps in full view of the world which stands silent in the face of these crimes affecting the civilian population. Source: Qatar News Agency