Palestinian President, Dutch Prime Minister Discuss Challenging Developments in Palestine


Ramallah, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas discussed in a telephone call today with Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte, the challenging developments in Palestine and explored avenues for an immediate halt to Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

During the call, President Abbas emphasized the critical need to provide protection for the Palestinian population, calling for the urgent opening of humanitarian corridors to the Gaza Strip.

He stressed the importance of delivering essential supplies, medical items, as well as ensuring the provision of water, electricity, and fuel to the Palestinian population of Gaza.

He urged all relevant parties to exert pressure on Israel to prevent extremist settlers from attacking Palestinian cities, villages, and refugee camps, demanding measures to prevent extremists from invading Christian and Islamic holy sites in Jerusalem.

The President reiterated his complete rejection of the displacement of the Palestinian people from the Gaza Strip, emphasizing that such an action would be a tragedy that Palestinians will never be allowed.

President Abbas emphasized that security and peace can be achieved by granting the Palestinian people their legitimate rights through pursuing a political solution and implementing the two-state solution based on international legitimacy.

Source: Qatar News Agency