President of the Republic: The Presidency of the Republic attaches the utmost importance to the human rights file

Key Issues

President of the Republic Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid stressed that the Presidency of the Republic attaches the utmost importance to the human rights file. The Presidency said in a statement, "The President of the Republic received today, Sunday, at the Baghdad Palace, the German Government Commissioner and Member of the German Parliament for Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid, Louise Amstberg, and her accompanying delegation. The statement added, "During the meeting, the humanitarian file and efforts to close the camps for the displaced and return them to their areas were reviewed. The President of the Republic stressed that the Presidency of the Republic attaches the utmost importance to the human rights file and supports efforts aimed at providing a safe environment for the return of the displaced to their areas, stressing the need for international organizations to have a positive role in this file. The President touched on the importance of the issue of human rights, and the necessity of activating the r ole of organizations and unions in a way that contributes to protecting freedoms and rights, stressing that Iraq has taken many positive steps in this area, as the Presidency of the Republic worked alongside the Supreme Judicial Council, the Ministries of Interior and Justice, and the National Security Advisory, to release more than (13) thousand detainees whose sentences have expired. For her part, Amstberg appreciated the interest of the Presidency of the Republic and its follow-up of the human rights file, while expressing her hope to enhance cooperation and joint coordination between Iraq and Germany in this field. Source: National Iraqi News Agency