Qatari Newspapers Editorials


Topics that caught the attention of Qatari newspapers in their Tuesday editorials varied. The papers highlighted HH the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani's directives to send urgent assistance to the areas affected by floods and torrents in the east of the sisterly State of Libya, which took the lives of more than 150 people and left behind massive destruction, and emphasized Qatar's pivotal role with its relief and development organizations in helping affected people, representing the core of Qatars internal and foreign policy.

The newspapers also highlighted the strong Qatari-Italian relations which extend decades and include several development sectors such as economic, commercial, and sports. Thanks to the exchange of visits between Qatari and Italian officials, these bilateral relations have strengthened and developed over the years.

The newspapers shed light on the comprehensive reforms implemented by the State of Qatar to strengthen labor laws and secure a decent life for expatriate workers, pointing to the International Labor Organizations (ILO) affirmation that Qatar has become a role model in the field of expatriate workers rights, which reflects the huge reforms carried out based on the core of Qatars policy and belief firmly rooted in human rights.

For its part, Al-Raya newspaper said in its editorial that as expected, Qatar was one of the first countries to extend a helping hand to the brothers in Libya to confront the repercussions of the devastating storm that struck the country, especially in the eastern region, claiming the lives of more than 150 people and causing massive destruction and floods, submerging entire neighborhoods. The Qatari response was immediate and on par with the humanitarian catastrophe.

In this regard, HH the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani sent a cable of condolences to HE Chairman of the Presidential Council of the State of Libya Mohamed Al Menfi on the victims of the floods that swept the north-east of the country, wishing the injured a speedy recovery and directed sending urgent assistance to the areas affected by floods and torrents to alleviate the suffering of the Libyan people, Al-Raya added.

Al-Raya stressed in its conclusion that the State of Qatar always supports the security and stability of Libya, and harnesses all its capabilities to support the Libyan political track that will bring comprehensive development and renaissance. Qatar's position is firm towards supporting Libya's unity and stability and achieving the aspirations of its people for stability and development.

In this context, Al-Sharq newspaper said in its editorial that only a short time had passed since the Libyan official authorities declared the areas of Derna, Shahhat, and Al Bayda in Cyrenaica in the east as disaster areas due to the powerful storm and torrents, resulting in thousands of deaths and missing people, to HH the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani instructing to send urgent assistance to the areas affected and standing by the brotherly Libyan people in this disaster.

His Highnesss directives to stand by the brotherly Libyan people were welcomed and praised by the State of Libya. This rapid response to crises is not new to Qatar as it supported the two brotherly people in Morocco and Sudan as well, the paper said.

Al-Sharq stressed that what distinguishes the State of Qatar is its swift response in providing assistance and relief to all afflicted people in crisis areas. Additionally, over the past year, the contributions of the Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD) amounted to 708 million dollars in total humanitarian aid and development, making Qatar one of the largest donor countries. This aid has had a significant role in alleviating the suffering of many, and making change in fragile and marginalized communities around the world through humanitarian projects.

Al-Sharq concluded its editorial by saying that the pivotal role of the State of Qatar and its relief and development organizations in helping afflicted peoples in crisis areas is what made it a pioneering country in the humanitarian field, as aid represents the core of Qatar's internal and foreign policy.

In turn, Al-Arab newspaper said in its editorial that in the various situations that the Arab nation is going through, especially in times of adversity and distress, Qatar is present and makes every effort it can to support.

The newspaper said that on Saturday Qatar supported Morocco in its ordeal, consoling it and helping it recover from the impact of the earthquake that struck the country. HH the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani expressed his sincere condolences to HM King Mohammed VI of the Kingdom of Morocco and the Moroccan people on the victims of the earthquake and instructed sending rescue teams and urgent medical assistance to the sisterly Kingdom of Morocco to help with the relief efforts.

In conclusion, Al-Arab said that the State of Qatar's record in supporting people in times of crises and natural disasters is full of honorable mention, whether through the government, charity, or the community. Qatar always expresses feelings of brotherhood and religion and sees it as a duty by the brotherhood of the Arab and Islamic nations. (MORE)

Source: Qatar News Agency