Security forces arrest 9 defendants and a Hummer wanted by Interpol


The Ministry of Interior announced, today, Sunday, the outcome of police security practices in Baghdad, Babylon, and Kirkuk. The Ministry stated in a statement, 'The security effort of the mechanized division units in the Federal Police, with the support of the intelligence effort, resulted in the arrest of 7 defendants accused of legal offenses that included (terrorism, theft, violators of not carrying identification documents, weapons, and quarreling) in the areas of (Abu Ghraib, Al-Bayaa, Al-Amel neighborhood, Al-Saydiyah, Al-Alam neighborhood) in Baghdad and (Alexandria) area in Babylon Governorate, and seized (3 different types of rifles, a pistol, 3 magazines), indicating that units of the First Division of the Federal Police, along with a detachment from the brigade's intelligence, were able to arrest two women were found guilty of stealing a sum of money (300 thousand dinars) from a woman in the Diyala Bridge area in Baghdad. The statement indicated, 'A force from the Rusafa Anti-Car Theft Office wa s able, during security practices, to seize a 2007 white Hummer vehicle, which is wanted by the Arab and International Police (Interpol) due to the presence of a theft signal in the database, and legal measures were taken against its owner and referred to competent authorities.' It added, "A force affiliated with the First Brigade in Kirkuk arrested an accused and seized his vehicle, a 'gas tank' type, because the vehicle's information was not recorded in the basin movement program. The accused and the vehicle were referred to one of the specialized oil police stations." The Ministry confirmed that all defendants and the seized items were referred to the competent authorities in preparation for completing the necessary legal and investigative procedures against them. Source: National Iraqi News Agency