Special Envoy of the Minister of Foreign Affairs to QNA: HH the Amir’s Speeches Offer Visions, Solutions for Regional, Global Conflicts, Issues


HE Special Envoy of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Faisal bin Abdullah Al Hanzab noted that speeches of HH the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani during United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) sessions are comprehensive and include views on resolving conflicts and addressing regional and international issues, explaining that the State of Qatar's participation in the upcoming session of the General Assembly will focus on upholding human dignity through building and sustaining peace and promoting sustainable development. In an interview with the Qatar News Agency on the occasion of 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, Al Hanzab said that HH the Amir's speech at the last General Assembly session in September 2023 did not only reaffirm Qatar's steadfast positions on various issues in the Arab region, such as calling for a just political solution to the Palestinian issue based on international legitimacy, ending the tragedy of the Syrian people, halting the fighting in Sudan, finding a sustainable solution to the political vacuum in Lebanon, settling the Yemen crisis, and achieving a political resolution in Libya, it also proposed visions for addressing several global problems and issues. His Excellency added that HH the Amir's speeches called for united efforts to prevent the misuse of cyberspace and to regulate this vital area based on international law, emphasizing the importance of international cooperation to prevent the waves of refugees, which have become a real problem for Europe, as well as for African and Asian countries, highlighting the necessity of combating racism, stopping campaigns that incite hatred against entire nations, religions, and civilizations, and stressing the need for international consensus in addressing climate change, environmental issues in general, and the stark injustices represented by occupation, racism, and war crimes. Regarding the relationship between Qatar and the United Nations and Qatars voice within the international organization, he stressed th at since joining the UN in 1971, Qatar has worked to achieve the goals and principles of the organization. Over the years, cooperation and partnership between both sides have strengthened, allowing Qatar to actively participate in UN meetings and collective efforts, he said, noting that Qatar is playing a mediating role in international crises to enhance global security and stability, in addition to supporting and promoting interfaith dialogue, backing the Alliance of Civilizations, protecting and promoting human rights, and providing financial contributions to numerous UN agencies and entities to support their projects in development and humanitarian aid, alongside its firm commitment to supporting international laws and principles outlined in the UN Charter. HE Ambassador Al Hanzab demonstrated the depth of this partnership by referring to the opening of the United Nations House in Doha, on the sidelines of the fifth UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries in March 2023, and mentioned ongoing effort s to host more UN entity offices in Doha. Regarding the multiple partnerships that Qatar has with UN organizations, especially humanitarian and developmental ones, and their impact on Qatar's relations with the organization and its role in the world, particularly in mediating to resolve disputes peacefully, he stated that undoubtedly, these multiple partnerships positively reflect on the relations between the two parties, opening wider horizons for enhancing and deepening them. They provide Qatar with opportunities to continue its active and positive contributions toward achieving the organization's goals, supported by ongoing communication between both sides and continuous visits by UN officials to Doha, who consistently praise Qatar's efforts to achieve regional and international security and stability. These exceptional partnerships also positively impact the mediations led by Qatar to resolve international disputes peacefully, particularly its joint mediation with the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Unite d States aimed at ending the war in Gaza and achieving a just, comprehensive, and sustainable solution to the Palestinian issue. Regarding Qatar's participation and the issues, topics, and initiatives it will raise, HE Special Envoy of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Faisal bin Abdullah Al Hanzab said that Qatar's participation in the UNGA 79 will focus on preserving human dignity through peace-building, sustainability and sustainable development, especially ways to support the least developed countries to help them face challenges, in addition to developments in the Middle East, especially in the occupied Palestinian territories, particularly in light of the continuous efforts made by the State of Qatar in cooperation with its international partners to achieve peace and stability in the region. Regarding the key points that the State of Qatar will focus on in high-level and extraordinary meetings and during informal consultations, His Excellency indicated that the State of Qatar seeks to particip ate effectively in UNGA's meetings annually. On the sidelines of the UNGA 79, Qatari officials will hold a series of bilateral and multilateral meetings with their counterparts from various countries and representatives of international and regional organizations, in which they will review ways to strengthen relations in various fields, open new horizons for cooperation, and deepen strategic partnerships. The State of Qatar will also participate with a number of countries and entities in organizing and sponsoring a group of high-level events, initiatives, and side events. Concerning the basic principles, constants, and strengths on which the State of Qatar's mediation policy relies to resolve regional and international disputes through peaceful means and putting an end to conflicts and prevent their spread, His Excellency said that first, it must be noted that the State of Qatar has recently become known as a reliable partner in peacemaking through mediation, dialogue, and diplomacy. For sure the approach of neutrality, balance, and standing at an equal distance from all parties represents the key strengths of Qatari mediation. In addition to the long experience gained by Qatari diplomacy through the state's sponsorship and hosting a number of rounds of negotiations and talks in a number of regional and international disputes, the State of Qatar's notable successes in closing a number of difficult files have made it an international player and a desirable and reliable mediator who is indispensable, in addition to its deep understanding of international relations and their complexities, and its awareness of the importance of mediation work within the framework of international law and norms, which ensures that any proposed agreements or settlements adhere to legal principles and ensure that they are implementable. Regarding the developments in the role of the State of Qatar in mediation and peace-building operations in a number of countries such as Palestine, Afghanistan, Sudan, Lebanon, and others, HE Ambassador Al Hanzab stressed that out of its foreign policy based on the principle of consolidating international peace and security by encouraging the peaceful resolution of international disputes, the State of Qatar supports all regional and international efforts aimed at achieving peace and stability in Palestine, Afghanistan, Sudan, Lebanon and other areas of dispute and conflict. His Excellency added that regarding Palestine, Qatar reiterates that the efforts of the mediators in the State of Qatar, the Arab Republic of Egypt, and the United States of America are ongoing and that the mediators are determined to move forward in their endeavors to reach a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip that will allow the entry of the largest possible amount of humanitarian aid to the Palestinian brethren besieged in the Strip. As for Sudan and Lebanon, the State of Qatar has continued to support all efforts aimed at stopping the fighting, achieving peace and stability in Sudan, and filling the presidential vacuum in Lebanon, based on i ts previous successes in sponsoring the Doha Peace Agreement in Darfur in 2011 and hosting the Lebanese National Dialogue Conference in 2008. His Excellency pointed out that concerning Afghanistan, the State of Qatar, which sponsored 2020 the signing of the agreement to establish peace in Afghanistan between the United States of America and the Taliban, continues its positive role and adheres to its position calling for achieving comprehensive national reconciliation, protecting human rights, supporting the Afghan people and their right to live in dignity, and achieving peaceful coexistence among all its spectrums and components without exclusion or discrimination. Regarding the possibility of the UNGA meetings coming up with real solutions to the Gaza crisis, putting an end to the ongoing war in the Strip, and stopping the massacres committed against the Palestinian people, especially after the issuance of a resolution to stop the war that has not been implemented yet, HE Special Envoy of the Minister of For eign Affairs Ambassador Faisal bin Abdullah Al Hanzab said that Qatar continues to stress that reforming the Security Council has become an urgent necessity in light of the escalating conflicts and humanitarian crises in the world, especially the war on the Gaza Strip and the crimes of the Israeli occupation forces in the occupied Palestinian territories. In his speech at the high-level meeting to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, HH the Amir called for "A serious evaluation and review of the international multilateral action and the necessity of hard work to overcome the obstacles that hinder our joint efforts, to achieve a comprehensive reform, especially the issue of representation of the world's people in the UN Security Council, as well as the mechanisms of implementing its resolutions, avoidance of double standards in implementation, and review of internal regulations that correlate common security issues with the positions of each of the five major states. Source: Qatar News Agency