State Administration Coalition welcomes Security Council decision to end the work of the United Nations Mission in Iraq

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The State Administration Coalition welcomed the Security Council decision to end the work of the United Nations Mission in Iraq, stressing that ending its work demonstrates the government's sincere efforts. It said in a statement that it "announces its great welcome to the Iraqi government's commitment to what was agreed upon in the ministerial program and the government program to work to complete Iraqi sovereignty, which was translated today by the Security Council's response to the request of the Iraqi government and its unanimous issuance of a decision to end the work of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) by the end of 2025. He added that he congratulates the Iraqi people on this decision, which indicates Iraq's continued efforts to build security and stability, and demonstrates the sincere efforts made by the Iraqi government in this regard, expressing his "great thanks to all the countries of the world that have stood with Iraq throughout the past years." The coalition affirmed its "sincere desire to build strong relations with the whole world, in the interest of Iraq and friendly and sisterly countries." Source: National Iraqi News Agency