The Iraqi Journalists Syndicate rejects and denounces the statements of US Senator Mike Waltz and his abuse of the Iraqi judiciary


The Iraqi Journalists Syndicate rejected and strongly denounced the statements of Senator Mike Waltz, a Republican member of the US Senate, that were offensive to the Iraqi judiciary. The Syndicate said in a statement: 'Senator Mike Waltz's statements insulted Iraq first and the Supreme Judicial Council and its president in particular, in a precedent that we have not seen before.' It added: 'The Iraqi journalistic community, while denouncing these offensive statements, affirms its full support for the Iraqi judiciary and its head, Judge Faiq Zaidan, and for all other judicial formations, because the judiciary in Iraq has become a symbol of the country's unity, an important factor in its stability, and a guardian of democracy and justice over many years.' The Iraqi Journalists Syndicate affirmed its refusal to interfere in the internal affairs of Iraq and undermine its sovereignty, after thousands of Iraqis sacrificed their lives for that sovereignty by standing against terrorism over the past years. Sour ce: National Iraqi News Agency