Turkish Parliament Describes Netanyahu’s Speech in US Congress as a “stain of Shame” on Humanity

Key Issues

The Turkish parliament described the speech delivered by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last Wednesday before the US Congress as a "stain on humanity's forehead." The Turkish parliament confirmed in a memorandum issued on Saturday evening at the end of its meeting that Netanyahu has taken the decades-long unjust occupation and gross violations of the law in Palestine to an unprecedented level through a brutal ethnic cleansing campaign in Gaza, and that his speech in Congress "has entered history as a stain on humanity." The Turkish parliament said in its memorandum: "We, in the Turkish Grand National Assembly (parliament), announce that we have regrettably met this democratic disgrace." It pointed out that at least 40,000 Palestinian civilians, most of them women and children, were killed in Gaza in 10 months, and two million people were displaced from the Strip after their homes were deliberately destroyed. It stressed that survivors of the attacks are struggling to survive in the face of hung er and disease in a narrow area where all types of humanitarian aid are prevented from reaching. The Turkish Parliament added in its note: "While the humanitarian tragedy in Gaza is worsening day by day, the violence of the occupation in the West Bank is also escalating, and attacks on the lives and property of Palestinians are accelerating." It pointed out that allowing a war criminal with blood on his hands, who is considered the main responsible for this scene, to speak in a joint council of a country that monopolizes the defense of democracy and human rights, is not only a democratic disgrace, but also represents a challenge to the law and all kinds of human and moral values. The Turkish Parliament stressed that "it is unfortunate that a democratic institution has become a tool for a show full of lies that gives strength and courage to the perpetrators of major crimes against humanity, instead of curbing the boundless aggression of Israel," praising the stance taken by those who represent the voices of the community's conscience inside and outside the Congress building. The Turkish Parliament also expressed his appreciation for the stance of the wise members of Congress who did not attend the session and courageously opposed allowing a questionable figure to speak in their parliament. Source: National Iraqi News Agency