Arabs And Turkmen Declare Their Refusal To Hand Over The HQs Of Operations In Kirkuk To The KDP


The Arab Coalition in Kirkuk and the Unified Iraq Turkmen Front announced their refusal to hand over the operations headquarters to the Kurdistan Democratic Party.

In a joint statement, they affirmed that the process of imposing law in 2017 had an effective impact on improving the security situation in Kirkuk Governorate, which reflected positively on all aspects of life and the promotion of peaceful coexistence in the governorate.

They pointed out that the issue of Kirkuk is one of the sensitive national issues and needs sustainable solutions and a consensual vision, and therefore its components have embarked on in-depth dialogues facilitated by the United Nations Mission and the approval of the federal government to address all issues of concern to the people of Kirkuk Governorate.

They explained that among the issues raised in the meetings of the components of Kirkuk is the practice of all parties for their political work in accordance with the parties law, and no party objected to the return of the registered parties to practice their activities according to the legal contexts in the headquarters of the parties, which were previously handed over to them.

They stressed that the headquarters of the Joint Operations Command in Kirkuk governorate represents a symbol of the imposition of law process, and that evacuating this headquarters before judicially establishing the ownership of the building sends a negative message to the components of the governorate and raises their fears of destabilizing the security situation in it again, noting that the building was established on land belonging to the state and has been restored by the local government to be occupied by the Joint Operations Command.

They called on the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces not to take any decision in this regard and to transfer the matter to the competent courts to resolve it according to the law, and that the timing of this procedure with the approach of the provincial elections will lead to damage to social peace in Kirkuk Governorate. / End

Source: National Iraqi News Agency