Babylon Police forces Free a Kidnapped Person and Arrest the Kidnappers


Babylon Police forces freed a citizen who had been kidnapped by luring in the center of Al-Hillah today, Thursday. Babylon Police Media Director Brigadier General Adel Al-Hussaini said, "The security services received a report of the absence of a citizen who owns a construction site after receiving a phone call from an unknown person, who claimed to need building materials. One day later, the perpetrators contacted the kidnapped person's family and demanded a ransom of $500,000. He added that a specialized team was formed that included elements from the Crime Control Department, the Technology and Information Department, the National Security Department, and the Video Surveillance Cameras Department, with the support of a SWAT force. Thanks to the exceptional efforts of the team, it was able to track the threads of the crime through surveillance cameras. He continued that the information showed that the gang had transferred the kidnapped person to one of the southern governorates and detained him there. Im mediately, the joint security force moved to the specified location and was able to free the kidnapped person completely safely and arrest two members of the gang." Source: National Iraqi News Agency