FM Appreciates The Position Of The Danish Govt And Its Legal Step By Presenting A Resolution Criminalizing Burning Or Insulting The Qur’an


Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fuad Hussein, appreciated the Danish government's position and the legal step it took by presenting a resolution criminalizing the burning of the Qur'an or insulting it, as well as the case with other heavenly Books.

During the exchange of messages, Minister Fuad Hussein welcomed the Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Lars Lokke Rasmussen and the Danish government’s step, which would preserve its status and respect for these religious Books, which are sanctified by many societies in the world, its anger was aroused by the actions that took place in the past period in some European countries.

He stressed the Iraqi government's respect for freedom of expression stipulated in the Danish constitution, but that does not give the right to disdain these sacred and divine Books, which are respected by millions of Muslims and others around the world, noting that these actions fuel hatred and perpetuate the rift between human societies and threaten peaceful coexistence, as it affects the bilateral relations between Islamic and European countries.

"We hope that the new legislation will be approved as soon as possible, and we encourage this step," he said.

For his part, the Danish Foreign Minister affirmed that such behavior does not represent Danish society, and that freedom of expression is a pillar of free democracy, noting that the Danish government has a model for criminalizing religious significance and protecting rights related to the Holy Qur’an and other heavenly Books./ End

Source: National Iraqi News Agency