Integrity Commission Caught The Legal Official In The 1st Anbar Regiment In The Act Of Committing The Crime Of Bribery


The Federal Integrity Commission announced that an official in the First Anbar Regiment was caught red-handed, while receiving a bribe from one of the detainees.

In its discussion of the details of the operation, which was carried out according to a judicial memorandum, the Commission’s investigations department stated that the Commission’s investigation office in Anbar had received information stating that one of the detainees in the Anbar police discipline was subjected to bargaining in exchange for his help in closing an investigative case formed against him, and for handing him his trusts represented by a pistol with a military ID and his private wallet.

The department referred to the formation of a working group from the Commission's investigation office in Anbar to investigate the validity of the information, and after verifying the validity of what was stated in the complaint, the team rushed to the position of the Anbar Police Discipline, where it set up a tight ambush for the accused, confirming that the team was able to catch the legal official in the 1st Anbar Regiment red-handed for committing the crime of bribery.

It noted that a formal seizure report of the operation was organized and presented it, accompanied by the accused to the competent investigating judge, who decided to arrest the accused pending investigation based on the provisions of Resolution (160 of 1983).

Source: National Iraqi News Agency