MOPH: The World Cup is a great platform to raise awareness of mental illnesses around the world

The Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) confirmed yesterday that its existing partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO), under the title “Sport for Health”, seeks to raise awareness of mental illnesses and encourage people suffering from stress and anxiety to seek help.


MOPH, which existing partnership with WHO spans over three years, confirmed that the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 tournament will provide a great platform to spread and share important health messages with the public to promote health in communities around the world.


In this context, Dr. Samya Ahmad Al Abdulla,  the Deputy National Lead for Mental Health & Wellbeing in the State of Qatar, and Senior Consultant of Family Medicine at Primary Health Care Corporation (PHCC), said that the benefits of sport and physical activity for the mental health and well-being of individuals have been documented, pointing out that spending time in exercising with friends and family, and getting enough rest can play an important role in promoting mental health and wellness.


Source: Government of Qatar