Thaer Mukheif to / NINA /: Approval of the budget will not exceed 10 days and with political consensus

MP for the State of Law Coalition, Thaer Mukheif, suggested approving the state's general budget, with a time limit that would not exceed 10 days, and with political consensus among the blocs.

Mukheif said in a statement to the National Iraqi News Agency / NINA / that the budget is a large and thorny file and it takes a long time, to complete the discussions and the demands of the representatives and blocs, each according to his region, noting that everyone is looking for gains for his sect, nationality, party and region away from working for Iraq as a whole, but the Finance Committee has made a great effort, day and night, and away from the corridors of Parliament, in order to reach the final stages of its approval, and it is currently working to reduce the deficit and address it through internal and external borrowing.

Mukheif indicated that all political blocs agree on approving the budget for three years, and there is no political dispute over it.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency