The first enumeration and numbering operations have begun to begin the population census procedures in Basra


Today, the first enumeration and numbering operations have begun in Basra Governorate to begin the population census procedures in the governorate. The Administrative Deputy of the Governor of Basra, Maher Al-Amiri, said in a press conference today, "The census operations are attended by five thousand employees to enumerate and number all buildings, facilities and houses from planning employees and other departments. Calling on citizens to cooperate with the mobile teams to provide all data accurately due to the importance of the census, especially for Basra, to show the real population reality, which in turn will be positively reflected on the economy of the governorate and the service reality. He added that most of the employees of the mobile teams are education employees in addition to employees of the statistics departments in the rest of the departments, "indicating" that the governor directed the disbursement of bonuses to the workers and submitting a letter with their names to the Prime Minister's O ffice for the purpose of directing a letter of thanks to them. For his part, the Director of Basra Statistics, Shahdi Abdul Amir Majid, indicated that "all categories are included in the census and all residents, whether their hometown is Basra or from other governorates, and during the coming stages, the cadres of the population counting stage will be prepared. He explained that there are no challenges and difficulties at the present time thanks to the continuous support from the local government and the directive to provide all the census requirements for field researchers from headgear, special clothing and devices. Source: National Iraqi News Agency