The Minister of Immigration discusses with the President of the Federal Supreme Court the rights of components, especially the Christian component


The Minister of Immigration and Displacement, Ivan Faiq Jabro, discussed with the President of the Federal Supreme Court, Judge Jassem Al-Amiri, the rights of components, especially the Christian component. The Ministry stated in a statement: 'The Minister, accompanied by the head of the Babylon parliamentary movement, Aswan Al-Kildani, a number of the movement's MPs, the head of the Christian, Yazidi, and Saba'i endowments, and members of the provincial councils of Baghdad, Basra, Nineveh, and Kirkuk, met with the Head of the Federal Supreme Court, Judge Jassem Al-Amiri, and discussed with him the rights of the components, especially the Christian component.' Jabro praised the role of Judge Al-Amiri and his national stances, which made the impartiality of the judiciary a fundamental pillar of justice in all aspects of the state, in addition to his commitment to its principles and standing at the same distance from everyone. Source: National Iraqi News Agency