Tomorrow… Baghdad will host the conference of Transport Ministers of neighboring countries and the Cooperation Council for the Arab Gulf states to discuss the path of development

A conference of Transport Ministers for the Iraqi neighboring countries and the Gulf Cooperation Council countries will be held tomorrow, Saturday, in Baghdad to discuss the strategic development path.

The government Spokesman, Basem Al-Awadi, said: "This conference comes within the government's path in strengthening cooperation and economic interdependence with brothers and friends, which represents a foundation for peace, stability and prosperity for our peoples, and consolidation of Baghdad's status as Dar Essalam, is a tent for security and partnership, and a starting point for sustainable development."

The development road is a road extending from Basra to the Turkish border, with a length of about 1,000 kilometers. It starts from the ports of Basra. The expected time to travel is between 12 and 16 hours for cars, and less than that for the train if the railway is completed.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency